Choose the notifications that are right for you

InterestTracker relies on notifications to let you know the activity of your assigned interests. Setting up your notifications is easy and will ensure you get the information you need, how and when you need it. 

Here are the steps to editing your notification settings:

1. Log in to your InterestTracker account

2. Select the down arrow to the right of your username (top right corner) and choose User Profile.

3. Scroll down to User Notification Settings and select the Edit button located near Daily Tasks or Alert Settings. (They do the same thing.)

4. Now you can check the box for email notifications or, if you have the text notification subscription, select SMS to your phone.

Here are the types of notifications you can add or adjust.

  • Daily Task Notifications. These are daily reminders for any to-do or follow-up activities you have. You can choose how you want to receive these and what time of day would be most beneficial for you. 
  • Alert SettingsThese are time sensitive notifications that can go to you by email or SMS (optional subscription).
    • New Interest Assigned to Me: This lets you know when, and who, has been assigned for you. having an interest assigned to you signifies that you are their relationship connection. These can be assigned by Administrators or coordinators.
    • New To-Do Assigned to Me: Receive a notification when a new action has been assigned to you.
    • New Offer Delivery. This lets you kow if you have been assigned to deliver an offer. Typically from a meeting or lead generation. Often a book or DVD the church is giving out. The offer name should be in the notification.
    • New Unassigned Interest Added (admin or coordinator only). This is an important setting for at least one person on your team to have checked. This notification lets you know when a new, unassigned interest has been added to the list—allowing you to go assign them to another team member. 
  • Don't forget to scroll to the bottom to select Update.

Next time we'll go over how InterestTracker manages your engagements with your Interests. 


Text for Your Whole Team

Add the Notifications and Support subscription to allow your team to communicate and get notified via SMS text. 


Unlimited user texts allow you to communicate with all of your ministry team members. Send notes before an event, share best practices, offer training, or simply send an inspiration. It's all up to you. Meanwhile, your users will get access to all of their notifications via text, helping to ensure that they are working with their interest in a timely manner. 

Learn More About Notifications & Support